„What's coming, is coming ... but in full" - Võhandu Marathon 2020
Exactly "What's coming, is coming ... but in full,” I said, hugging Anette early on 05.09.20, just before we headed to the start of the 15th Võhandu Marathon . For Anette 4th time on Võhandu Marathon. In the previous three times in K2WOM class (certain wins in her class), but this year for the first time on Võhandu Marathon with me. For me 7th time on Võhandu Marathon. In 2014 and 2015 in K2WOM class with Hanna Riive, in 2016-2019 in K1WOM class (2017-2019 wins in my class), this year for the first time on Võhandu Marathon with Anette. Shortly before the start, I bring out the night before the Võhandu Marathon. On the night of the third of September, against the fourth, I dreamed how Anette and I paddling around Lake Tamula in a group of leaders. In my dream, I also dreamed of the idea "it would be super if we could reach the podium overall", but I quickly buried the idea, because it was still (as always) too unrealistic. Then the dream went on with a rather detailed...