
Türi-Tori downriver race: our first race in 2021

  Photographed: Gunnar Baum (father of Anette) Two weeks ago, Anette and I started on the Türi-Tori downriver race (78 km). The whole arrangement that Märt Maipuu did with his team was great. Organizing a competition in these difficult times is definitely a big challenge. We as participants were free to choose the start date and time between 08.05-16.05. It was sincerely honorable for us how Märt Maipuu, the chief organizer of the Türi-Tori downriver race , and his team welcomed us. The message that we are making a great honor with our participation was something that warmed our hearts and at the same time caused a bit of awe, because we do not consider ourselves to be the top-top marathon paddlers in Estonia. Rather, we think we are still green :)   The main competition date was Saturday (08.05), but our start on that day was not possible. At the end it was very good that we could choose another time for our race. On Saturday, Anette had the first paddling cup competition in ...

Türi-Tori kiirlaskumine: meie esimene võistlus 2021

Pildistas: Gunnar Baum (Anette isa) Kaks nädalat tagasi startisime Anettega Türi-Tori kiirlaskumise 78 km distantsil. Kogu korraldus, mis Märt Maipuu oma tiimiga tegi, oli suurepärane. Korraldada võistlust sellel keerulisel ajal on kindlasti suur väljakutse. Meie kui võitlejad/osalejad saime vabalt valida stardi kuupäeva ja kellaaja vahemikus 08.05-16.05. Siiralt auväärne oli meie jaoks, kuidas Türi-Tori kiirlaskumise peakorraldaja Märt Maipuu ja tema tiim meid vastu võtsid. Sõnum, et me teeme neile oma osalusega suurt au, oli midagi mis tegi südame soojaks ja tekitas samas natuke ka aukartust, sest me ei pea ennast kaugeltki mitte kõige-kõigeks Eesti aerutamismaratonide maailmas. Pigem oleme arvamusel, et oleme alles rohelised :) Põhiliseks kuupäevaks sai 08.05, kuid meie start sel päeval polnud teemas. Oli hea, et saime oma sõiduks teise aja valida. Anettel oli 08.05 karikavõistluste esimene etapp Tartus (2500 m, tulem: K1WOM 3. koht), samuti Covid vaktsiini teise süsti saamine. Eks...

2021 has come, and an overview of 2020 as well

The year 2021 is here, also the end of February - the most important since the beginning of the year and an overview of 2020. We opened the year with dignity with Anette on January 1st - we went kayaking! 😊 01.01.2021 Pärnu River 04.01.21 we went back to Jõulumäe Sport Centre to do another training camp (we were in the camp at the end of 2020). That was awesome and I hope to give you a more detailed overview someday, because I don't want to prolong an already long blog post.   09.01.21 Training Camp at Jõulumäe The most important information I want to point out is that on January 24th, it became clear to Anette and I that we are not going to the Yukon River Quest this year either. The competition can be held primarily for locals. 85% of start-up fees are refunded to foreign teams. The waiting list can be re-registered, and if the travel regulations become clearer and there is an opportunity, it would be possible to go to the competition this year. We made the decision not to plan...

2021 on tulnud, ja ülevaade 2020-st samuti

      2021. aasta on käes, juba on veebruari kuu lõpp - olulisim alanud aasta algusest ja ülevaade 2020-st. Aasta avasime 1. jaanuaril Anettega väärikalt - ikka aerutades! 😊   01.01.2021 Pärnu jõel   04.01.21 läksime tagasi Jõulumäele, et teha teine treeninglaager otsa (olime laagris 2020 lõpus). Vot see oli vinge ja loodan millalgi täpsema ülevaate anda, sest ei taha niigi pikka blogi-postitust veel pikemaks ajada. 09.01.21 Treeninglaager Jõulumäel Olulisima infona tahan välja tuua, et 24. jaanuaril sai meil Anettega selgeks, et ka sel aastal me Yukon River Quest´le ei lähe . Võistlus saab toimuma eelkõige kohalikele (kui üldse). Välismaa tiimidele tagastatakse 85% stardi maksudest. Ootelisti võib ennast uuesti registreerida ja kui reisimise regulatsioonid selginevad ning tekib võimalus, siis oleks lootus ka sel aastal võistlema minna. Meie sellise segase aja ja õhkõrna lootuse peale oma tegevust ei planeeri. Kanada 715 km lükkub meie jaoks esialgu veel aa...

„What's coming, is coming ... but in full" - Võhandu Marathon 2020

Exactly "What's coming, is coming ... but in full,” I said, hugging Anette early on 05.09.20, just before we headed to the start of the 15th Võhandu Marathon . For Anette 4th time on Võhandu Marathon. In the previous three times in K2WOM class (certain wins in her class), but this year for the first time on Võhandu Marathon with me. For me 7th time on Võhandu Marathon. In 2014 and 2015 in K2WOM class with Hanna Riive, in 2016-2019 in K1WOM class (2017-2019 wins in my class), this year for the first time on Võhandu Marathon with Anette. Shortly before the start, I bring out the night before the Võhandu Marathon. On the night of the third of September, against the fourth, I dreamed how Anette and I paddling around Lake Tamula in a group of leaders. In my dream, I also dreamed of the idea "it would be super if we could reach the podium overall", but I quickly buried the idea, because it was still (as always) too unrealistic. Then the dream went on with a rather detailed...